
  • Ulano公司的George leg - page路过圣路易斯的Lawson屏幕和数字产品公司。在这个视频中,他讨论了乌拉诺的新EZ-Film的应用方便。这种直接乳化膜名不虚传,易于在屏幕上应用。这种直接乳化液膜的其他好处包括不必应用液体乳化液,减少针孔的风险。Ulano EZ-Film可从劳森电子商店购买。

  • 你好,我是Ulano公司的George leg - page。我在圣路易斯的劳森屏幕和数字产品公司工作。我在这里向您展示新乌拉诺ez -膜的应用的简易性。作为一个制造商,Ulano将一种直接乳剂涂在一个塑料载体板上。所以,底面是塑料,暗红色的一面是乳剂层。当我说EZ-Film的时候,你在屏幕上得到的是一种乳剂,它一致,快速,均匀,现在价格也非常有竞争力。所以,你会看到我把乳剂的一面朝上的胶片放在这里的一张纸上。我要在胶片上放一个屏幕。我拿的是一个装有水的喷雾瓶。你可以看到它是如何开始向屏幕靠拢的。 Wet it until it is entirely drawn up into the screen mesh. At that point I am going to take a squeegee; this happens to be a glass squeegee here. I'm going to pull through to clear out the excess water. Water is what softens this film emulsion to bring it up into the mesh and scraping the water off stops the developing action. So, in that short period there you will see I have actually emulsified the screen with a direct emulsion and no pin holes. Whether we do it or you do, it is always consistent. It's 50 microns, which is thick enough to accommodate an 86 mesh on up to about a 230. for your higher mesh counts we make an EZ-Film 30. Its available in 15 by 17 inch sheets, 17 by 24 inch sheets and the price of it is priced very competitive with direct emulsion. So that's the ease in application of it. So, you see how quick and clean and neat all this is, particularly if you are new in to screen printing, comparing it with direct emulsion, the cleanup, or the variables of coating a liquid emulsion to a screen. At this point I'm going to put this screen out of the light to dry. When it drys in about 15 ? 20 minutes, I can try and get the plastic to release. And there it is; when it is dry you will be able to peel the plastic off there. So that's the new Ulano EZ-Film available from Lawson.





